

SpawnObject - Informs players about an object to be spawned in the room.


Namespace: LoadBalancer.Client.Game

public async Task<SpawnObjectResult> SpawnObject(SpawnObjectParameters parameters)


SpawnObjectParameters consists of the following parameters:

  • RoomId string - The unique identifier of the room.
  • ObjectId string - The unique identifier of the object to be spawned in the room.
  • Tag string - Object’s label.
  • ObjectProperties KeyValueCollection - A collection of key-value pairs containing the object properties.

Return Value

The SpawnObjectResult containing the following parameters:

  • RoomId string - The unique identifier of the room where a new object was spawned.
  • ObjectId string - The unique identifier of the object that was spawned.
  • Tag string - Object’s label.
  • ObjectProperties KeyValueCollection - A collection of key-value pairs containing the object properties.